Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Our Primal Instinct

Our Primal Instinct
Looking at the lifestyle of our Paleolithic ancestors we learned that in order for them to survive they relied on movement and exploration. Fast forward to the 21st century and this still holds true. While we aren't running from tigers and have a steady food source, we still need to move (exercise) and explore (learn) in order to propel the human race forward.  
What does this have to do with teaching, math, and elementary school??......
If you have ever seen me walking down the hallway with my 1st graders, you would see them swinging their arms, bouncing and skipping down the hallway. This is their natural movement patterns, they crave to move!
Last year, we did a field study with a first grade classroom in which students were allowed a 10 minute break in the morning to go outside and play. The kids were expected to come back in the classroom after the 10 minutes and get back to work. The results were an increase in the overall classroom’s ability to stay on task. In addition, individual kids were able to stay on task for a longer duration. This study supports the need for movement.
Our school supports this idea of movement in our daily activities. From extra breaks for kids, flexible seating, workstations, and Friday chants that might bring down the portables one day. I am so fortunate to work at this amazing school!

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